

Doubles Contestants Must Have Entered by Saturday.

Entries for the University championship singles tournament will close this evening at 6 o'clock, when all entries must have been made in the blue-books at Leavitt & Peirce's. In order to avoid unnecessary defaults it is essential that contestants indicate in the entry book the days and hours of all College engagements. An entry fee of 50 cents will be charged. This will cover the cost of courts, but contestants must provide their own tennis balls. The drawings will be made this evening, and the chart will be posted on Jarvis Field tomorrow when the first matches will be played.

Prizes will be awarded the winner and runner-up. The tournament is open to all members of the University except those on probation. Contestants will be defaulted upon non-appearance within 15 minutes of the time appointed in the CRIMSON, or upon failure to score contests on the chart at Jarvis Field before 6 o'clock on the day of play.

Entries at $1 per team for the University championship doubles tournament will be received at Leavitt & Peirce's before 6 o'clock on Saturday evening. This tournament will begin at Jarvis Field on Monday.
