

Candidates for Glee Club Also Report Tonight at 7.

Trials for the University Musical Clubs, which opened last night, will be continued this evening and tomorrow. Trials for the Mandolin and Banjo Clubs will be held in Thayer 51 tonight at 7 o'clock, when all men who have not already reported, and who play the following instruments, should report: mandolin, banjo, banjeaurine, guitar, mandola, mando-bass, ukalele, 'cello, clarinet, traps. Except in the case of players of marked ability, all men are required to play two instruments.

The Glee Club trials will be held in the New Music Building tonight and tomorrow at 7 o'clock. Freshmen and graduate students, as well as upper-classmen, are eligible, and men who can put on a humorous "stunt" are particularly wanted. Trials for accompanist will be held at the same time.

All candidates must bring a solo. Members of last year's clubs who have not already reported to the leaders are expected to do so at the time of the trials.
