

Manuscripts for Dramatic Club Due Before 6 o'clock on That Day.

The Playwriting competition for the fall production of the Dramatic Club will end on Friday, October 22, when all manuscripts must be handed in to P.F. Reniers'16, 60 Mt. Auburn street, before 6 o'clock. The competition is open to members and recent graduates of the University and Radcliffe. In past years it has been the custom of the club to present one play of two acts or more for the fall production, but one act plays will also be considered.

All members of the University are eligible to compete for membership in the Dramatic Club whether by acting or by work in the competitions for the three departments. Freshmen especially are urged to come out and all those interested should attend the first open meeting of the club, which will be held some time in the course of a few weeks. As the dates of the three performances have been set for December 14, 15 and 16, it is necessary that rehearsals and competitions for the various departments should begin as early as possible. As soon as the play has been selected by the Graduate Committee which will be about the first week in November, a reading of the play will be held in Phillips Brooks House. All candidates for any department of the club should be at this reading.

The competition for the business management and advertising department will begin shortly before this, probably about the first of November. Immediately after the reading of the play, the competitions for the stage and publicity managements will start. The former includes the stage, property and electrical departments and ample opportunity will be given for candidates to acquire practical experience in theatrical stage management.

The publicity, competition offers a wide training in the work of a theatrical press agent. Candidates will have an opportunity to meet various dramatic critics and other prominent in the newspaper and theatrical world. Men with ability to draw will have an opportunity to make the club by means of the competition for the poster design.

The question of a coach for the fall production has not as yet been decided, but the management has been considering several eligible members of the profession and a definite announcement will probably be made within a few weeks
