

Today's contest with Penn. State is fraught with special significance for the eleven. The power of the team is an unknown quantity which will today be disclosed. Last year the University was fortunate enough to tie Penn. State 13 to 13 in the last few minutes of play. This year the Pennsylvania college boasts an eleven which has a record of five straight victories and no defeats, and which is rated even stronger than last year's.

With last Saturday's defeat behind the University team, and Princeton and Yale ahead, today's game is going to be fought hard from beginning to end. The real calibre of the team will be laid bare. The Cornell defeat, taken by itself, is inconclusive. Any team is likely to fall into a mid-season slump, be taken unawares, or be in an immature stage of development, and so meet with an unexpected reversal. The University will not take any chances with today's game, however, and a defeat at the hands of Penn. State cannot be explained by any of the foregoing reasons.

Last Saturday, the line played well on the defence but did not appear to be able to open up holes for the backs on the attack. The offense lacked the drive and versatility which have made the University backfields of recent years justly famous. If the team can show this old time power today, Harvard's stock will take a big boost. Watson and Gilman will not be in the line-up which increases the severity of today's test.

Whatever may be the prevailing opinion as to the outcome of the game, Penn. State is sure to receive a warm welcome when it takes the field as the strength and sportsmanship of the eleven is well-known.
