

Crew A Defeated Crew B by Six Feet--Eliot Stands First in Filley Cup Ranking

The four University boats raced yesterday over the mile and seven-eighths course in the Charles River Basin. In the A and B race, Crew A led slightly during the early part but near the finish Crew B spurted and the boats approached the line side by side. Crew B was not able to keep up the terrific pace, however, and A was judged the winner by six feet. The winner's time was 10.30. In the other race C beat D by six lengths. Today Crews A, B, and C race over the same course, leaving the Newell boathouse at 4.45 o'clock.

In the club crew race the Eliot third beat the Thayer boat by three quarters of a length. This race was rowed over the mile course from the Cottage Farm Bridge to the Harvard Bridge. It was hotly contested throughout but the finish was not so spectacular as that of the University boats. By coming in so close to the winner the Thayer crew gets one-half a point which is subtracted from the Eliot boat's three points, making the score in the series now stand, Eliot two and one-half points; Thayer one-half point. The fourth club crews race this afternoon at 3.50 o'clock, but the second club crews will not row until tomorrow.
