The make-up of the following committees, which will have charge of the activities of the Junior class, was announced last night by President Coolidge:
Entertainment Committee--George Colket Caner, of Philadelphia, pa. (chairman); Edwin Osborne Baker, of Cambridge; Graham Burt Blaine, of Taunton; Kenneth Pickens Culbert, of East Orange, N.J.; Jose Calderon Harris, of Brookline; Laurence Manuel Lombard, of Winchester; William Rand, 3d, of Rye, N, Y,; Willard Sears Simpkins, of Yarmouth Port; James Clarke White, 2d, of Boston; Westmore Willcox, Jr., of Norfolk, Va.
Dinner Committee--Francis Higginson Cabot, Jr., of New York, N. Y. (chairman); George Ezra Abbot, of Andover; Oran Gould Kirkpatrick; of San Antonio, Texas; William Henry Meeker, of New York, N. Y., John Melcher, of New York, N. Y.; Theodore Holton Rice, of Brookline; Archibald Bullock Roosevelt, of Oyster Bay, L. I., N. Y., James William Davenport Seymour, of New York, N.Y.; Stuart Cary Welch, of Buffalo, N. Y.; Hunt Wentworth, of Chicago, III.
Finance Committee--Robert Baldwin, of West Newton, (chairman); Robert Witbeck Babcock, of Albany, N. Y.; George, Wheeler Benedict, Jr., of Brookline; Douglas Campbell, of Mt. Hamilton, Cal,; Herbert Bartlet Courteen, of Milwaukee, Wis,; Thomas Hooper Eckfeldt, Jr., of West Newton; Roger Defriez Hunneman, of Brookline; William Darrah Kelley, Jr., of Chattanooga, Tenn,; Henry Whitney Minot, of Boston; Leslie Allen Morgan, of Potwin, Kan.; George Ayer Parsons, of New York N. Y.; Harrison Gardner Reynolds, of Readville; James Paul Warburg, of Washington, D. C.; William Penn Whitehouse, 2d, of Portland, Me.
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