At the recent meeting of the Intercollegiate Music Council in New York, arrangements were made for the annual competition between the glee clubs of the various eastern colleges. The meet will be held in Carnegie Hall, New York, on Saturday, February 26, 1916. Five colleges, Cornell, Dartmouth, Harvard, Pennsylvania, and Pennsylvania State; with a possible addition of Princeton as the sixth, will compete.
The management of the meet is in the hands of a committee composed of D. H. Ingram '16, chairman; R. H. Bagnell, of Cornell; and J. W. Miller, of Pennsylvania.
The rules for the singing and judging in connection with the meet were thoroughly discussed and all difficulties in regard to their interpretation were definitely settled. The officers for the council were erected as follows: A. F. Pickernell '14, president; N. L. Tibbetts '15, secretary; L. H. Davis, of Pennsylvania, treasurer.
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