The movement started last year to give more men a chance to play football is sure to be a failure unless greater interest is shown at once. Thus far, barely enough candidates have appeared to make up one team. This seems disgraceful in view of the fact that there are at least five hundred eligible men in the University who are not at this season actively engaged in any other form of sport.
Coach Haughton originally planned the series with a two-fold purpose. He desired that every man in college who had the inclination might have an opportunity to play the game, which is one of the best for physical discipline; and he further hoped, by stimulating greater interest in football, to develop more material for the University squad.
The time required to participate in this excellent work is no longer than that which every student should give to exercise. Abundant locker room and football equipment are furnished free by the Athletic Association. The schedule is attractive; for, besides the games between the different teams for the cups, there will probably be several contests with outside organizations.
As regards qualifications, any ablebodied man of average weight can make a Haughton Cup team, if he reports consistently for practice. Especially in the case of the line positions, little previous knowledge of the game is necessary. Coaches Guild and Miller are anxious to help anyone interested, with the fundamentals; and they will be at the Locker Building at 3 o'clock today to receive candidates.
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