The regatta in which the Freshman dormitory crews are to compete for the Slocum Trophy and individual medals will be held on Thursday and Friday of this week. By the same system of point scoring as was used last year, all crews will have the chance to help win the Trophy. The winning first dormitory crew will earn its dormitory 5 points; the winning second 4 points; and the winning third 3 points. In each event the crew coming in second will receive two points, and the crew placing third will get one point. Gore Hall won the regatta last year, Standish and Smith finishing in the order named.
Beginning next week two evenly matched Freshman crews will be put on the water in order to give the best men a further try-out. These crews will be kept until the regatta to be held on Thursday, November 4, which will terminate the University fall season. It is expected that after this there will be voluntary rowing in singles for University oarsmen.
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