

In the middle ages, a knight did not attempt to carry off the honors of a tournament for the intrinsic value of the prize he won. What he wanted was the applause of the populace, and more than that the congratulations of his particular friends. With no one to cheer him on, no one to care whether he won or lost, there would have been nothing to force him to his utmost. So it is today. Everyone can perform heroic deeds if only someone to whom he wishes to be a here is looking on.

There is no doubt in anyone's mind that when the football team goes to Princeton it will put up a good game. It will fight hard. But its fight will be harder, its desire to win keener, if it has a crowd of supporters in the stands. Then victory will be sweeter, and defeat more bitter--consequently less likely.

A committee has arranged to secure special rates to Princeton provided 300 men signify their intention of going. There are many men who cannot make the trip unless these special rates are secured. Consequently, if all those men who are planning to go anyway, will arrange to take advantage of the reduction offered by the committee, they will make it possible for these other students to see the game.
