

Newly Reorganized Club Chose Officers and Prepared for Work at the Coming Elections.

The Republican Club held its third organization meeting last evening and has now perfected its plan of aiding in the present interesting state campaign. Its purpose is to promote and maintain interest among members of the University in the principles of the party.

The organization will work in conjunction with the Young Republicans of Massachusetts recently formed with headquarters in Boston. The club urges all members of the University of Republican tendencies or those who are interested in this campaign to join. A systematic canvass of all men in the College and graduate schools has been started and the membership of the club is already over 100 in its first day of canvass. Later plans of this organization embrace a mass meeting at which the gubernatorial candidate will speak and the Republican Club will parade in a body with clubs from Tufts, Technology and Boston University on November 1, the night before election day.

The following officers have been elected: C. F. Farrington '16, president; Harold Amory '16, vice-president; C. A. Coolidge '17, treasurer; D. C. Watson '16, secretary. The officers with the following men make up the executive committee: Gerald Courtney '16, Harcourt Amory '16, S. M. Seymour 3L., R. C. Evarts 3L., and Henry W. Minot '17.
