


About four hundred undergraduates attended the football mass meeting held in the Living Room of the Union last night.

W. J. Bingham '16, who led the singing and cheering, outlined the plan for special rates to the Princeton game on November 6. In order to carry out the program, it is necessary to raise $700 to furnish a band for the rest of the mass meetings, for the Princeton game, and for a forty piece band for the Yale game. $93.33 was collected at the meeting last night.

Lothrop Withington '11, captain of the 1911 University football team, told every man to bring to the next meeting at least two men who were not there last night. He explained the necessity of secret practice, and said that from time to time the coaches will tell the undergraduate meetings just what the team is doing.

He particularly emphasized the effect of a player's mental attitude upon the way he played. What the college feels, the player feels, and the results show in the game he plays. Princeton won in 1911 more on mental attitude than any- thing else. To make a team fight, the solid backing of the college is necessary. Statistics show that every time Yale or Harvard has won by a big score, the score has been reversed the next season.

300 Men Must Make Trip.


Provided three hundred or more students signify their intention of going to Princeton for the game on November 6, special rates for the trip can be secured. Under the provisional plan, a special train for Harvard students will leave the South Station at 6 o'clock on Friday, November 5. At Fall River the boat will be taken for New York, arriving about 7 o'clock Saturday morning. Any train to Princeton may be taken from the Pennsylvania Station in New York, and any train from Princeton may be taken which will reach New York in time to take the boat back from the wharf at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon. A special train will return to Boston from the boat on Monday morning, arriving at the South Station at 8.24, which gives ample time for men to attend 9 o'clock classes. For men who wish to spend Saturday night in New York, special rates are being arranged with some of the leading New York hotels, the details of which will be announced later. The rates are as follows: round trip ticket, Boston to Princeton and return, $7.75; berth in stateroom, 50 cents or $1.00. These rates can only be secured if 300 or more men sign up to go, in the blue-books which have been placed in the Union, Memorial Hall, the Freshman dormitories, and Leavitt & Peirce's. The tickets are good on any trains between New York and Princeton. The first three hundred men who sign up will be given preference in the assignment of staterooms.

Further information can be had from W. J. Bingham '16, Stoughton 26, and A. S. Harris '14, 47 Dana Chambers
