

Is to be Present at House-Warming Dinner at New Quarters of Speakers' Club Tonight.

President Eliot will make his first appearance before the undergraduate members of the University this year when he will address the Speakers' Club at its house-warming to celebrate the change in the club's location this evening at 6.30 o'clock.

Professor I. L. Winter, head of the Public Speaking branch of the Department of English of the University, and R. B. Southgate 1G., will also speak.

The former club house of the Speakers' Club was at 36 Quincy street. The new quarters at 39 Holyoke street, while somewhat smaller, are much more adapted to the needs of the club. The club; which aims "to increase interest and efficiency in oral expression and to discover and develop representative opinion concerning current problems," is composed of undergraduates and graduates. The open University Forums are under the management of its Executive Committee. An annual extemporaneous speaking contest is held by the club for a prize each spring. Fortnightly dinners followed by discussion alternating with fortnightly addresses by prominent men are held throughout the year.
