The St. Paul's Society will hold the first of a series of open discussions in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. The Reverend P. W. Sprague of the Episcopal Theological School will be the guest of the society. The topic of the meeting which will be presided over by C. A. Coolidge '17, is "The Exercise of Religion." Refreshments will be served during the evening.
The complete list of meetings for the fall season follows:
Oct. 13, Wednesday--"The Exercise of Religion." Discussion meeting.
Oct. 20, Wednesday--"The approach to the Holy Communion." Very Reverend E. L. Rousmaniere.
Oct. 21, Thursday--Corporate Communion, with Graduate Members.
Oct. 27, Wednesday--"Faith." Discussion meeting.
Nov. 3, Wednesday -- "The Savior of Mankind." Mr. T. Takamatsu.
Nov. 10, Wednesday--"A College Man's Religion." Reverend F. W. Tomkins, Dinner.
Nov. 17, Wednesday--"The World Conference on Faith and Order." Mr. R. H. Gardiner.
Nov. 18, "Thursday--Corporate Communion.
Dec. 1, Wednesday -- "St. John's College, Shanghai." Dr. Pott.
Dec. 8, Wednesday -- "The Laymen's Missionary Movement." Mr. Huntington Saville, Dinner.
Dec. 15, Wednesday "The Advent Hope." Professor Fosbroke.
Dec. 16, Thursday--Corporate Communion.
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