

Social Service Committee Seeking Men to Appear Before Boys' Clubs.

The Entertainment Committee of the Social Service department of Phillips Brooks House is very anxious to get the names of all men in the University who have musical talent, either vocal or instrumental, and also of any men who have ability at sleight of hand tricks, acrobatic stunts, monologues, sketches, or comic specialties.

The committee is planning to give several entertainments at charitable institutions in Boston and Cambridge. These will come at times arranged conveniently for the entertainers. Men who do this work are performing a real service to the community and at the same time are receiving benefit themselves in the practice and experience which these entertainments provide.

In addition to the above many other opportunities are still open for leaders of boys' clubs. Boy Scout leaders, and teachers of English and other classes. All men interested are asked to see the Social Service secretary at Phillips Brooks House any morning except Saturday between 8 and 11 o'clock.
