

Virginia and Cornell Were Easy Winners But Yale and Princeton Were Hard Pressed.

If one may judge from the results of games played Saturday by Harvard's coming opponents, the University team will have a strenuous task during the next few weeks. All of the teams which are coming to the Stadium this month were decisively successful in their contests Saturday. Most successful among these was the Virginia eleven which will appear in Cambridge next Saturday. Its opponent, Richmond College, is little known in the football world, but it is significant that the university eleven was able to overwhelm them with a deluge of 74 points. Cornell, who will test the mettle of Coach Haughton's men two weeks from now, was victorious over Williams by the score of 46 to 6. Nothing but straight football was used by the victors, while the losing purple team tried many varieties of open play. A forward pass of the latter's netting 45 yards and a touchdown was, however, their only profitable effort in this line.

Pennsylvania State brought a big surprise in the conquest of the unbeaten, University of Pennsylvania eleven. Two touchdowns by the state college team spelled defeat for the Philadelphia men, whose only score was a goal from the field. The victors scored once on a long run by Berryman, the left halfback, and again on an excellent forward pass to Higgins, playing an end.

Yale and Princeton were both extremely hard pressed in their games against Lehigh and Syracuse respectively, while Brown was defeated 7 to 0 in her game with Amherst. In the first half of her game with Lehigh, Yale was outrushed by her opponents, and the latter got into position for a field goal which Cahall put over without difficulty. The end runs and forwards were the main factors in Lehigh's progress down the field. In the third quarter Yale strengthened her attack and marched directly to the opponent's goal line. At the five-yard mark Legore went in for the first time this season and carried the ball over for the only touchdown. Another goal by Lehigh made the final score 7-6. At other times both the offense and defense of the blue team were decidedly ineffective.

Yale Still Careless.

Several fumbles illustrated that the Eli backs have not yet overcome their carelessness in handling the ball. Bentley, who played quarter for a part of the game, Taft and Legore, were the chief offenders in this respect. The game was featured by strenuous playing which resulted in numerous penalties and several injuries. Black, Betts, and Baldridge were forced to withdraw on account of injuries, as was Chenowith, the brilliant Lehigh quarter who in the last period sustained a fractured leg.


By playing consistent defensive football against the strong Syracuse eleven Princeton kept her opponents from scoring, and in the third quarter gave Tibbot an opportunity to kick a goal from the field for the only tally of the game. The attack of the orange team was spasmodic and ineffective except for the single approach to within striking distance.
