

"In For Himself" by M. W. Reed 2G. Will be Presented on January 25 and 26 In Agassiz House.

The next performances of the 47 Workshop will be given at Agassiz House on Monday and Tuesday, January 25 and 26. The play to be produced is a comedy in 4 acts, "In For Himself" by M. W. Reed 2G. The play was written in English 47 last year. It deals with the story of a young architect and his rise to prominence in Boston. This will be the second comedy produced by the Workshop this year, as the first production, "The Only Girl in Sight," was also a light piece.

The rehearsals for the Workshop Company are taking place in its new rehearsal room on the first floor of Dane Hall, where space has also been provided by the University for scene painting. As usual, the Workshop will design and paint its own scenery. The production is under the direction of Professer Baker.

The third Workshop bill will be put on in February, when a program consisting of short plays will be presented.


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