

Foundation Invites University Men to Attend Its Meetings.

Continuing the policy inaugurated last year, the World Peace Foundation has arranged a series of weekly conferences, to which all University men who are interested in the peace cause are invited, which will be held in the Conference Room of the Foundation, 40 Mt. Vernon street, Boston, at 4 o'clock on the following Monday afternoons: January 11, 18, and 25, and February 1, 8 and 15.

The program, which has been divided into two parts, is particularly well adapted to clear up confused opinions of the European War, its causes, and the eventual results. Men and women who are authorities on the different phases of the question have been secured to speak. The following program has been arranged:

I, The Underlying Causes of the War.

1. Europe's Outworn Political System.

2. Europe's Racial Conflicts.


3. Europe's Imperial Conflicts.

II. The New Order that Should Come.

1. Increase in Democratic Government.

2. Character of the New Foreign Policies.

3. Effects on Armament and National Defense.

4. Growth of International Co-operation and World Organization.
