There will be a meeting of all candidates for the University and Freshman track teams in the Trophy Room of the Union this evening at 7.30 o'clock. Complete plans for the work of all candidates for both the winter and spring season will be given in detail.
Captain F. W. Capper '15, C. C. Little '10 and Herbert Jaques, Jr., '11, will address the meeting, and short speeches will also be made by different men who have been prominent in track athletics in College.
Voluntary practice will be held this afternoon, on the board track and in the Baseball Cage, but regular work for all aspirants for the University and Freshman indoor relay teams, and the track and field events will begin tomorrow afternoon. Candidates for the relay teams must report regularly at Soldiers Field. Opportunity to enter a number of indoor meets will be given all candidates showing promise.
The weekly competitions in the broad and high jumps, the shot-put and the pole-vault will continue as usual. Coach Donovan will again direct the work of all track men, and Coach Powers that of the field-event candidates.
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