

Whatever may be the value of New Year resolutions, custom decrees that on January first we start the new-born era with a more profound wisdom learned from the experience of bygone years. With all the nation it is time to take stock. To the college man, however, an even more significant date on the calendar is the mid-year period of the college session.

Glancing back over the lights and shadows of 1914, the undergraduate may regret deeds he has done or left undone. By the calendar he has written the record of those twelve months (and it is too late to "correct proof"); but in his scholastic endeavors the undergraduate still has time to accomplish something in the college term. If the Christmas vacation passed quickly, the few weeks remaining between now and January twenty-eighth will fly. Not by trying to prolong the Yuletide festivities, but by shedding the holiday spirit for a more diligent resume of the regular schedule of studies will the undergraduate realize in full the benefits of the vacation.
