

Only Three Regulars Lost From Baseball Squad.-Many Heavy Hitters from 1917 Team.

Losing only three letter men from the 1914 baseball team and gaining a wealth of material from the present Sophomore class, Princeton has a good outlook for the coming baseball season. Weak hitting was the main fault with last year's team, but this should be remedied by the addition to the squad of several hard hitters from last spring's freshman nine.

The only regulars to be lost through graduation are Captain Rhoads at first base, catcher Wall, and second baseman Bolton. Rhoads's loss will be felt keenly, as no candidate gives promise of filling this vacancy. The most likely first baseman is Scully, who played on the 1917 freshman team, while Haviland '15, from the second team also might be developed. Neither is up to Rhoads's ability, however. Wall's position behind the bat can be filled by Salmon, a senior, who had some experience last spring. Driggs, from the freshman nine is probably the best catcher in college, as he is a stronger batter than Salmon. Other catchers are Purves, Douglas, who was ineligible last year and Kelleher. Bolton was a weak hitter, and his position should be easy for the new men to fill.

For pitchers there are Deyo, a junior, who did well last spring in the series with Yale; Lamberton, who also won his letter last spring; Copeland, a member of the university squad for two years, and a letter man; Chaplin, who, except for his wildness, pitched excellently for the freshmen last year; and Rutherford and Straw from the freshman team.

Infield Strong.

In the infield Law and Gill, who played respectively shortstop and third on the 1914 team are still in college. Gill played a phenomenal game last year and should have no trouble in keeping his position. For shortstop and second base, there are Duer, who played second base for the freshmen last year, hitting hard; Madden, shortstop from his class team; and Baily and O'Kane, who were on the 1914 squad.


For the outfield last year's combination of Greene, Hoyt and Hanks is still eligible. Cook; of the senior class, who won his letter last spring is also on hand, together with the freshman outfield of Grainger, Keating, Tibbott, Cory, and Whitehouse. Of these Grainger was the best last year.

Coach Clarke and Captain O. S. Greene '15 thus will have plenty of experienced material on hand for practice this year, to which Princeton looks for a strong team.
