

Four Universities Will Hold Second Intercollegiate Contest In New York on February 27.

The University Glee Club will participate this year in the Intercollegiate Glee Club Meet, which is to be held in Carnegie Hall, New York, on the evening of Saturday, February 27. The other colleges which will compete are the same as last year: Columbia, Dartmouth, and Pennsylvania. The concert last year was a novel event in American musical circles, arousing a great deal of interest both among critics and among the general public. Equal success is looked for in the future. The concert is a competitive affair, each club singing three pieces different in nature, and a prize being awarded at the end of the evening to that organization which shows the most finished musical accomplishment.

The annual meet is organized and run by the Intercollegiate Musical Council, the membership of which is composed of the four competing clubs. The council is now well on its feet, and has made provision for perpetuating itself. With reasonable success this year, the meet will undoubtedly become a permanent event, and it is not unlikely that it will some time be attempted in Boston or Philadelphia. The officers of the council for 1914-15 are as follows: president, A. F. Pickernell '14, former leader of the Glee Club; secretary, W. Z. Fuller, of Dartmouth; treasurer, L. H. Davis, of Pennsylvania. The committee in charge of the management of the present meet is composed of A. H. Bagnell, of Columbia; F. Graves '15; and S. B. Peck, of Columbia. The judges will be Professor Horatio Parker of Yale; Mr. Arthur Mees, conductor of the New York Mendelssohn Glee Club; and Mr. Arthur D. Woodruff, conductor of the University Glee Club of New York. A handsome silver trophy has been presented by the

University Glee Club to become the permanent property of the club which first wins it three times.

Under the efficient coaching of Dr. A. T. Davison '06, the Harvard Glee Club last year won first prize, a library of music presented by Mr. Rudolph E. Schirmer. Honorable mention was awarded to Columbia.

Rules for Competition.


The meet is governed by the following rules:

In each meet, there shall be not less than four nor more than six competing glee clubs, each the regular undergraduate organization of an Eastern college or university. Each glee club shall consist of not more than twenty-nine men, all regularly registered students in the college or university represented, one of whom may be an accompanist.

Make-up of Program.

Each glee club shall sing three sections, one serious, one college, and light. Each selection shall have been proved by a judge chosen for that I pose, and none may be changed after preparation of the program. Each have piano accompaniment. The sections shall be arranged on the program so that first shall come the serious, that the college, then the light. The order which the clubs shall sing shall be decided by lot, and none of the compete glee clubs shall be permitted to give encore.

There shall be three judges of meet who, after the final light selection is rendered, shall consult and decide on the award of first prize and honors mention. The decision shall be announced immediately. The judges base their decision on general choice ability, as displayed in technique, once, tone, diction, etc. Solo parts, specialties, or individual work of any kind and the applause or approval of the audience, shall not be considered.

Assisting artists or musical organizations may be engaged at the discrete of the committee on the meet, provide however, that all such artists or organizations be amateur
