

Work on Club's Spring Play Begun With Choice of Managers.-Manuscripts Due February 15.

The Dramatic Club will start work on its spring production immediately after the mid-year examinations. The date set for the closing of the play competition is February 15 and all plays must be delivered at Holworthy 1 not later than 6 o'clock on that day. According to the custom of the club, the spring production will consist of a bill of one-act plays, probably four in number.

At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the club held last night the following appointments for the ensuing year were made:

Stage manager-Raymond Henry Norweb '16, of Elyria, O.; assistant stage managers-Edward Allen Whitney '17, of Augusta, Me.; and Edward Philip Goodnow '17, of Brookline; business manager-Lawrence Weld Smith '17, of Newton; ticket manager-Walter Staunton Mack, Jr., '17, of New York, N. Y.; publicity manager-William Henry Meeker '17, of New York, N. Y.; advertising manager-Charles Paulinus Lindahl, Jr., '16, of Cleveland, O.; property manager-Sydney James Rogers '17, of Cambridge; assistant property manager-Fairfield Edward Raymond '18, of Boston; electrician-Theodore Crowninshield Browne '15, of Salem; assistant electrician-Francis Baring Foster '17, of Hyde Park; costume manager-Greenough Townsend '17, of Oyster Bay, N. Y.; patroness committee-J. W. D. Seymour '17, chairman, W. H. Meeker '17, E. A. Whitney '17, G. Townsend '17, and F. B. Foster '17.
