

Academy Takes All But Two Firsts In Contest Saturday Night.

The University swimming team lost the first meet of the season to Worcester Academy, at Worcester, Saturday night. The loss of one regular man counted heavily against the University team. Captain B. M. Fullerton '16, and A. Dixon '16, scored the only points for the University and Allen and Shaw of Worcester starred for their team by winning two firsts each.

Following is the summary of events:

20-Yard Swim.--Won by Shaw (W); H. Wentworth '17, second; Kaichem (W), third. Time, 16s.

100-Yard Swim.--Won by Allen (W); H. Wentworth '17, second; B. M. Fullerton '16, third. Time, 1m., 5 2-5s.

200-Yard Swim.--Won by B. M. Fullerton '16; Flynn (W), second; Stevens (W), third. Time, 2m., 38s.


Diving.--Won by Shaw (W); K. F. Jackson '17, second; Stevens (W), third.

60-Yards Swim.--Won by Allen (W); H. Wentworth '17, second; Kaichem (W), third. Time, 34 4-5s.

Plunge.--Won by A. Dixon '16; L. G. Darrow '17, second; Morse (W), third. Distance, 55 feet, 11 inches.

Relay Race.--Won by Worcester.

1918 Meets Dorchester High.

The 1918 swimming team will meet Dorchester High School in the third meet of the season in the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. tank this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Freshmen have a strong team this year, and have won both of the contests already held. The price of admission for this afternoon's meet will be 10 cents.
