The Kermesse Flamande, held in Horticultural Hall for the benefit of the Belgian Relief Fund, will be given today for the last time. So far the undergraduate support has been decidedly neglible, especially in regard to the dansant held every afternoon and evening. An excellent orchestra plays for the dancing and various professionals from the Castle House and elsewhere give occasional exhibitions. The floor is in excellent condition and the admission price of 25 cents is extremely low for an affair of this kind. It is hoped that undergraduates will avail themselves of the opportunity offered for enjoying themselves and at the same time adding to the Belgian Relief Fund. The Kermesse is open today from 2 in the afternoon until 10 o'clock tonight. The admission price is 50 cents.
Besides the various booths, games, music, and dancing, special entertainments are held every afternoon and evening. The program for today includes dances by Miss Aleto, a minstrel skit by Messrs. Scott and Bayrd, an exhibition of fencing by Mrs. Cass's fencing girls, songs by Mr. Morse Wemple, and a play by the Colonial College Stock Company.
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