

First Contest for 1918 Hockey Team Against St. Mark's Today.

The Freshman hockey team will play its first game of the season against St. Mark's at Southboro this afternoon. The squad will leave the Trinity place station at 1.45 o'clock, and the game will be called at 3.15. This year's St. Mark's team is not up to the usual standard, although it has defeated Boston High by a 3 to 0 score. The Freshman team, which contains much good material, has been developing fast under the coaching of P. H. Smart '14 and should give a good account of itself. T. C. Thacher '18 will be acting captain. The permanent captain will probably be elected sometime next week.

The teams will line up as follows: ST. MARK'S.  FRESHMEN. Stillman, g.  g., Gwathmey Platt, p.  p., Taylor Post, c.p.  c.p., Thacher W. Gaston, r.w.  r.w., Percy E. Stillman, r.c.  r.c., Pratt Bradford, l.c.  l.c., Condon J. Gaston, l.w.  l.w., Morgan
