

Private Schools Send 1583 Men and High Schools Send 748.

According to statistics compiled by the Yale News, Phillips Academy, Andover, has more graduates in the undergraduate departments of Yale University than any other preparatory school, and has more than half again as many men as its nearest private school competitor. New Haven High School comes second on the list with 241 of its alumni in Yale, while Hotchkiss and Hill follow with 157 and 128 men, respectively. These first four schools are the only ones which have more than 100 men enrolled. One hundred and fifty-three of Yale's students came from other colleges and universities.

A comparison of the statistics of the Academic and Sheffield enrollments reveals some interesting facts. New Haven High School, which has the largest high school representation in the university sends 67 more men to Sheffield than to Academic. Groton is the only school with all its men in one department, there being 26 students from this school in Academic and none in Sheffield. Hotchkiss, Hill, and Taft have each sent approximately three times as many men to Academic as to Sheffield, while Lawrenceville favors the scientific department.

In all, 1583 men come from private schools, while only 748 are graduates of public high schools.
