
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notices for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Monday, January 25.

10.30.--Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College, 50 State street, Boston.

4.00.--**Lecture on European Geography III. "European Weather and the War." Professor Ward. Geological Lecture Room, University Museum.


4.00.--1918 swimming team vs. Dorchester High at Cambridge Y. M. C. A.

4.30.--Seminary of Economics. "The Development and Organization of the Grain Trade in Canada." Mr. W. C. Clark. Upper Dane.

5.00.--*Physical Colloquium. "Spectral Equations and Maxwell's Probability Integral." Professor G. W. Pierce, Jefferson Physical Laboratory, Room 3.

8.00. -- *Modern Language Conference. Mr. Albert Matthews. Common Room, Conant Hall.

9.00-12.00.--Reception to Faculty by President and Mrs. Lowell.

Tuesday, January 26.

4.30.--*Geological Conference. "The Muir Glacier in 1911 and 1913." (Illustrated by lantern slides.) Professor Lawrence Martin, of the University of Wisconsin. Mineralogical Lecture Room, University Museum.

5.00.--**Lowell Lecture. Mr. Wilfrid Ward, on "The True Nature of Cardinal Newman's Genius."

8.00.--**Lectures on Ethnology and the Classics. IV. "A Roman Institution: the Salii. The Meaning and Purpose of the Sacred Dance at Rome." Mr. Oric Bates. Lecture Room of Fogg Art Museum.

5.00.--Applications for Junior Dance invitations due at Union Office.

8.15.--**Organ Recital. Dr. A. T. Davi- son, assisted by Miss Amy Brown, Andover Chapel.

Wednesday, January 27.

Last day for receiving applications for Freshman Scholarships for 1914-15.

Mid-Year examinations begin in the Medical School and the Dental School.

4.00.--**Lectures on European Geography. IV. "The Food Supply in Europe." Professor Carver, Geological Lecture Room. University Museum.

4.45.--*Chemical Colloquium. "The Mycology and Chemistry of Fermentation." Mr. Charles Wadsworth, 3d. Coolidge Memorial Laboratory.

8.00.--University swimming vs. Andover.

8.00.--1918 swimming vs. Brookline High School.

Thursday, January 28.

Mid-Year examinations begin in all courses offered by the Faculty of Arts and Sciences.

Friday, January 29.

4.00,-6.00.--*University Tea. Phillips Brooks House.

4.00.--**Lectures on European Geography. V. "Mineral Resources of Central and Western Europe." Professor Henry L. Smyth. Geological Lecture Room, University Museum.

5.00.--**Lowell Lecture. Mr. Wilfrid Ward, on "The True Nature of Cardinal Newman's Genius."

Saturday, January 30.

Medical and Dental Students are required to pay the second installment of the tuition fee before this date.

3.00.--1918 hockey vs. Exeter, at Cambridge.

8.15.--University hockey vs. Yale, at Boston Arena
