
Second Meet for 1918 Swimmers

The Freshman swimming team will have its second meet of the season against the Boston College High School team at the Cambridge Y. M. C. A. this afternoon at 4 o'clock. There will be a charge of 10 cents for admission. The events, with the Freshman contestants are as follows: 20-yard and 40-yard swims, W. C. Hitchcock, W. S. Whiting; 100-yard swim, W. C. Hitchcock, T. T. Seelye; 220-yard swim, A. S. Francis, T. T. Seelye; plunge, A. L. Richmond, W. F. Williams; dive, M. Blanchard, F. W. Ecker. In addition there will be a 160-yard relay race, each man to swim 40 yards.
