M. Henri Lichtenberger, the exchange professor from the Sorbonne to the University has been forced by the news of the sudden death of his only daughter to arrange at once for his return to France, instead of remaining in America until the middle of February as he had intended. He will sail from New York tomorrow at 3 o'clock by the steamship La Touraine. The professor's two sons are in military service.
M. Lichtenberger has made every effort to fulfill the engagements which remained for him in Boston. On Thursday evening he delivered the concluding lecture of his series at the Lowell Institute on "Contemporary French Music Drama," and conducted the repetition of Ropartz's "Miracle de Saint Nicholas" at the Kermesse Flamande for the benefit of the Belgian relief fund. At the University he arranged to finish his course on "Nietzsche," in Sever Hall, yesterday afternoon, and to complete his regular instruction at the University. Some engagements in Canada and his plan to give one more production of the Ropartz "Miracle" next Thursday afternoon have of course been cancelled.
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