(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)
To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
Last night I chanced to be going down Mt. Auburn street on my way home to Paresis Smith Hall from Dr. Albert Parker Fitch's inspiring Bible class, when I heard sounds issuing from an odd building situated at the corner of Bow street, which led me to believe that the young men inside had been--I blush to say it--imbibing. I distinctly saw two young men--(I have reported their names to Mr. Tibbetts of the Christian Association)--engaged in drinking a yellow fluid which I knew intuitively to be beer. I was still more aghast to see that they made absolutely no attempt to conceal their act, and, indeed, actually seemed to enjoy it. Imagine my feelings, fellows! I asked a policeman to put a stop to it at once. He refused. I have sent his number to Mr. Tibbetts. The officer informed me that it was a nightly occurrence! Think of it! I would not have believed it had I not seen it with my own eyes. He said it was the Lampoon Building, and then I understood. A friend of mine who once handed in a joke to the Lampoon says that he has heard that there is hardly a man on the board who has not defiled his lips with liquor. Suppose the Boston papers should hear of this! Harvard's standing in the West and South would be seriously affected. I want to call the attention of the Dean to this shocking state of affairs and to ask all the fellows to do what they can, by words of advice and by good example, to lead these young men from the "paths of wickedness in which they are stumbling." (Leviticus xxvii, 7). PERCIVAL FRANCIS '18.
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