

School for Health Officers Has Arranged Lecture Series by Number of Medical Authorities.

Under the auspices of the School for Health officers of the University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology a series of 62 lectures on various subjects relating to the public health question will be given at the Harvard Medical School on different afternoons during February, March, April and May from 5 to 6 o'clock. Undergraduates and Instructors of the Medical School and of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology may obtain free cards of admission and a complete schedule of the dates of the lectures by applying to the Director, Dr. M. J. Rosenau, at the Medical School. The course is also open to others interested upon the payment of a fee of $30. The list of lecturers and the subjects which they will discuss are as follows: "School Hygiene," by Dr. T. F. Harrington, M.D. '88, Director of Hygiene in the Boston Public Schools; "Hygiene in the Tropics," by Dr. R. P. Strong,, Medical School; "Sanitary Law--Legal Powers of of Health Officers," by Professor Eugene Wambaugh '76, Law School; "Infant Mortality," by Dr. John Lovett Morse '87, Medical School; "Ocular Hygiene," Dr. Frederick Herman Verheoff. A.M. '02, Medical School; "Illumination," by Dr. Louis Bell, Electrical Engineer; "Oral Prophylaxis," by Dr. William Henry Potter '78, Medical School; "Personal Hygiene," by Dr. Walter Bradford Cannon '96, Medical School; "Medical Inspection of Immigrants," by Dr. M. V. Safford, U. S. Public Health Service, Boston; "Venereal Prophylaxis," by Dr. Edward Hall Nichols '86, Medical School; "Municipal Sanitation," by C. V. Chapin, Providence Board of Health; "Relation of Animal Diseases to Public Health," by Dr. Theobold Smith, A.M. (Hon.) '01 Medical School; "Mental Hygiene," by Dr. Elmer Ernest Southard '97, Medical School; "Diet and Pellagra," by Dr. J. Goldberger, Surgeon U. S. Public Health Service, Washington; "The Phenomena of Infection," by Dr. V. C. Vaughn, Dean of the School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Michigan; "Tuberculosis," by Dr. John Bromham Hawes, 2d, '99, Secretary Board of Trustees, Massachusetts Hospital for Consumptives; "Posture and Prevention of Deformities," by Dr. Robert Williamson Lovett '81, Medical School; and "Social Service," by Dr. Richard Cabot, Medical School. Some of these men will deliver but one lecture, while others are scheduled for a series of from two to six talks on their subjects.


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