

Miss Boardman Thanked University for Ambulances and Talked of European War Conditions.

Miss Mabel Boardman, of the executive committee of the American Red Cross Society, spoke last night in the parlor of Phillips Brooks House on the Red Cross work being carried on in the European war zone, expressing the thanks of the Red Cross for the five ambulances which the Society was enabled to purchase with the proceeds of Tag Day. The Society has planned several important improvements in the arrangement of these ambulances, the most noteworthy of which is the rearrangement of the shelves for the stretchers. The cars are to be painted gray, with the Red Cross on the side, and under it the inscription "From Harvard University Students."

In speaking of the work which the Society is carrying on in Europe, Miss Boardman told of the terrible conditions against which the 150 nurses and 43 surgeons representing the American Red Cross, had to contend.
