The Theatre Francais of New York, composed entirely of graduates of the Paris Conservatory and actors taken from the best Parisian theatrical companies, will present a series of French plays especially adapted to American audiences at the new Toy Theatre, Boston, from January 25 to February 6. The production will be under the auspices of the French Drama Society of which Professor Henri Lichtenberger of the Sorbonne, now lecturing at the University, is honorary president. On January 25 and 26 "Blanchette," by Eugene Brieux, will be presented. "Le Gendre de M. Poirier," "Le Voyage de M. Perrichon," "L'Abbe Constantin," "Le Chemineau" and "Le Danseur Inconnu" will follow in the order named. Season tickets for the six plays may be obtained for $24 at the Toy Theatre. Regular prices will prevail. Members of the Cercle Francais may obtain seats at a reduction of 25 per cent. on all seats over $1 by applying to Dr. Altrocchi, Grays 17. Matinees will be given Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
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