

Professors to Discuss Part Played by Geography in Struggle.

Under the auspices of the Department of Geology and Geography, a series of five public lectures will be given in the geological lecture room, University Museum, on the afternoons stated below, at 4 o'clock. These lectures have been arranged in response to a real interest in the influence which geographic conditions have, or may have, upon the present European War. In connection with the lectures certain selected maps and charts of special geographic interest will be displayed in the lecture room, which will be open at 3.30 on the days of the lectures. The program of the lectures is as follows:

Monday, January 18.--"The Physical Geography of Central and Western Europe", by Professor William Morris Davis '70, (Illustrated.)

Wednesday, January 20.--"Some Military Features along the Western Front," by Professor Robert M. Johnson.

Monday, January 25.--"European Weather and the War," by Professor Robert DeC. Ward '89.

Wednesday, January 27.--"The Food Supply in Europe," by Professor Thomas N. Carver.


Friday, January 29.--"Mineral Resources of Central and Western Europe," by Professor Henry Lloyd Smyth '83.
