

"Welcome" Fost to be Staged in Union Tomorrow Evening at 7.30.

Tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock the members of the Union will hold a reception in the Living Room for the second University crew which won the Grand Challenge Cup at Henley. This will be the first opportunity for the student body to honor the men who made such a remarkable showing in the great English race. F. Richardson '08, captain of the 1908 crew, will preside. The other speakers will be Mr. R. F. Herrick '90, who coached the crew during the month before the regatta; L. Saltonstall '14, captain of the second crew; Captain H. A. Murray, Jr., '15, of the University boat; and R. C. Benchley '12, a former president of the Lampoon.

The Grand Challenge Cup will be on exhibition, and moving pictures and stereopticon views of the races and trip will be shown at the reception. Everyone is urged to be on hand to show his appreciation of the crew's achievement. It should be remembered that all persons who were members of the Union last year are regular members this year unless they have resigned.

University Crews Out Today.

The following men will report at the Newell boathouse promptly at 4 o'clock; K. Apolionio '15, R. R. Brown '17, F. W. Busk '16, H. B. Cabot, Jr., '17, A. A. Cameron '17, L. S. Chichester '16, A. Coolidge '17, K. P. Culbert '17, C. F. Eaton '17, W. S. Ely '17, T. J. D. Fuller '15, H. Gallaher '15, B. Harwood '15, C. J. Henderson '17, C. Higginson '17, H. Hutchins '17, F. A. Ingalls '17, J. A. Jeffries '16, H. L. F. Kreger '16, A. T. Lyman, Jr., '16, C. C. Lund '16, H. H. Meyer '15, J. W. Middendorf '16, H. S. Middendorf '16, H. A. Murray, Jr., '15, W. Paine '15, K. B. G. Parson '16, A. Potter '17, J. K. T. Phillips '17, W. Richardson '17, C. E. Schall '16, T. E. Stebbins '17, J. Talcott '16, J. C. White '17, F. L. Whitmarsh '16, B. C. Whittemore '17, E. R. Wilkinson '15, R. T. Young '17.

Fall rowing for the Freshmen will begin Friday afternoon and next Monday the club crews will be called out
