The consultation hours of instructors from today until Saturday, October 10, are given below.
Chairmen or representatives of divisions or departments are denoted by an asterisk *, with the name of the department following. Addresses followed by an asterisk * are in Boston; all others are in Cambridge.
Prof. C. A. Adams, By appointment.
Dr. Roger Adams, W. F. 2.30-5; Th. S. 10-12.30. Boylston 3.
Dr. Rudolph Altrocchi, after lectures or 33 Concord Ave.
Prof. B. M. Anderson, Jr., M. W. 3.30-4; F. 12-12.30. Upper Dane.
Prof. Masaharu Anesaki, M. 3.30. Emerson C.
Prof. W. R. Arnold, M. W. F. at 11. Andover C.
Prof. W. T. Atwood, M. Tu. W. Th. F. 11-12. Geol. Mus. 41.
Prof. Irving Babbitt, Th. 2. 6 Kirkland Rd.
Prof. I. W. Bailey. Bussey Institution, Forest Hills.
Dr. M. H. Bailey, Medical Adviser, daily 8.30-9.30; 5-6. Thayer 21.
Prof. G. P. Baker, Sept. 30, 9-1. 195 Brattle St. after appointment.
Dr. Thomas Barbour, daily 10-12. Zool. Mus. 15.
Prof. G. P. Baxter, Chemistry, Tu. Th. 8-10. Coolidge Lab. 8.
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