The Freshmen will be formally received by the University in the Living Room of the Union at 8 o'clock tonight. Dean Briggs will preside and the meeting will be addressed by President Lowell, Major Higginson '55, Hon. William Cameron Forbes '92, Professor Roger I. Lee and Dean Yeomans. Here 1918 will be given an opportunity to see the University, its problems and advantages, through the eyes of the men most intimately acquainted with its affairs.
Further Festivities Tomorrow.
Tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock the Phillips Brooks House Association will give its annual reception to Freshmen. The primary object of this entertainment is to get the new men to mingle and get acquainted and the arrangement of the program has this purpose in view. The first part of the evening's entertainment will be held in Peabody Hall on the third floor of Phillips Brooks House: There the men will be addressed by undergraduate and graduate members of the Association. Arthur Beane '11, head of Brooks House, will welcome the men to that institution and speak of its various activities. Dean E. F. Gay of the Graduate School of Business Administration will speak from the Faculty point of view. F. L. Cole '15, president of the CRIMSON, will talk on journalistic activities in the University. Dr. Fitch '00, president of the Andover Theological School, will talk to the men about the religious side of their life here. C. E. Brickley '15 will give a football talk, and T. Sizer '16 will speak on funny-paper stuff. The Glee Club quartette will furnish the music and refreshments will be served on the first floor.
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