Work on the Yale Bowl has progressed rapidly since Commencement and visitors to the site cannot but be impressed by its size and conveniences. While it will not be absolutely finished for the Harvard game, it is confidently expected by the management that there will be no serious delays between now and November 21, and that the Harvard game can be played there. The playing field has been sodded and seeded and is in good shape and could be played upon by October 1 if necessary, but it is the intention not to have any games in the intention not to have any games in the Bowl prior to the Harvard game.
The entrance to the Bowl through the portals brings the visitor to the middle of the seating structure. At that point he will be met by the ushers and directed up or down, right or left, according to the location of his seat. The lower half of the slope from the entrance of the portals to the field is banked with cement, and upon this permanent seats have been placed, so that the Bowl will be finished so far as this part of the structure is concerned. Above the portals to the top of the embankment there is being erected a temporary wooden structure for use this fall only. It is estimated that the whole structure will seat sixty-one thousand people. On top of the embankment, and all the way around, is a walk twelve feet wide, upon which, it is estimated, some ten thousand more could stand if necessary. Considering the number of people who have generally applied for tickets, the management is absolutely confident of a seat for everyone this year
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