The trolley facilities have been talked over at great length with the local company officials and problems have been presented which it is impossible to solve until one game has been played and the transportation needs of the crowd discovered. Cars going out Chapel street to Derby avenue will use the same loop as formerly on Derby avenue, while cars going out Edgewood avenue will be provided with a loop to be constructed shortly, which will let them come back by the same route. It is impossible for the trolley company to do at present all it intends to do, as the problem that will be presented must be solved by the experience of the first game.
Sixty-one thousand people is a larger crowd than has ever attended an event of any kind in New Haven, and while it is expected all tickets will be sold, it is nevertheless quite a problem as to how to take care of the ticket holders. The price of seats will remain at $2 each and each graduate of the university will be entitled to apply for four tickets. Persons holding a ticket privilege will have this opportunity in addition to their present right to seats. The same restrictions as to transfer or disposal of tickets will be enforced as has heretofore been the custom.
A total of sixty-one thousand visitors will tax facilities of the trolley and of the management to the utmost. The New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Company estimates that it will take twenty-two trains to carry those coming to the game from New York, and as this will crowd their facilities in the Grand Central Station to the utmost, it is not expected that private parlor cars will be allowed on the day of the game.
Every seat in the Bowl is a good seat. There is no seat that will in any way be obstructed by angles or in any other way, and while the difference in the distance from the field to the seat will vary according to the location, the view of the playing field will not be obstructed for any spectator.
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