

Program for Winter Months Includes Many Prominent Pastors.

The program for Sunday exercises in Appleton Chapel for the months of December, January, and February appears below. The schedule up to December 1 has appeared in a previous issue. In each case, the preacher conducting Sunday service will also have charge of morning prayers during the week following.

December 6.--Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D., President of Andover Theological Seminary.

December 13.--Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D.

December 20.--Rev. C. Malcolm Doughlas, of Short Hills, N. J.

December 27.--Dean George Hodges, D. D., Episcopal Theological School.


Preachers for 1915.

January 3.--Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, A.M., S.T.B., Arlington St. (Unitarian) Church, Boston.

January 10.--Rev. Paul Revere Frothingham, A.M., S.T.B.

January 17.--Professor Edward C. Moore, D.D.

January 24.--Rt. Rev. Charles D. Williams, D.D., Bishop of Michigan, Detroit, Michigan.

January 31.--Rt. Rev. Charles E. Woodcock, D.D., Bishop of Kentucky, Louisville, Ky.

February 7.--Rev. John Havnes Holmes, S.T.B., Church of the Messiah. (Unitarian) New York City.

Feb. 14.--Principal Alfred E. Stearns. A.M., Phillips Academy, Andover.

February 21.--Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D.

February 28.--Rev. Albert Parker Fitch, D.D.
