

New Intra-class Competitions to Attract Inexperienced Material.

Fall track practice for the class of 1918 will start this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Every man experienced or inexperienced who does not go out for football is urged to come out. Track offers to the man with no previous experience in competitive sports a chance to develop into an intercollegiate competitor and do something for Harvard.

Interdormitory Meets.

With the new system of dormitories for first year men, it has been decided to hold interdormitory meets in the spring and fall as preliminary to choosing a Freshman team. These competitions will give new men of no experience a chance to discover their ability and to work with men of about equal experience. A valuable solid silver cup has been presented by graduates to be known as the Graduates' Cup, and to be held each year by the dormitory winning the greatest number of points in the fall meet. C. C. Little '10, a former captain and intercollegiate champion, will have general supervision of the 1918 team. In addition to Little as head coach, the University coaches, Donovan and Powers, and the "H" men will devote some of their time to 1918 men. In this way, valuable association may be formed with upperclassmen.

1918 Cross Country.

All Freshmen interested in cross country running should report to Coach Alfred Shrubb at the Locker Building at 3 o'clock today. In order to develop a formidable team--one worthy of 1918--a large number of candidates must report to compete in the various dual cross country meets.


Manager Candidates.

Those who do not desire to enter athletic competition will be able to be at the Field every day and to meet many of his classmates intimately by trying for the Freshman managership and assistant managership. The competition for manager will begin with the opening of College and last until November 22. Those wishing to enter should hand in their names to F. P. Clement, Jr., '16, who can be found at the Locker Building, today at 2.30 o'clock.

Mr. Powers, the regular coach, will be at the field daily from 2.30 to 5 P. M.

Mr. Little will be in Cambridge Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
