Both University dining halls, Memorial and Foxcroft, open this morning for breakfast. Hereafter, meals will be served regularly in both buildings, under the same arrangements as last year.
Students of the University and officers appointed by the Corporation may become members of either Hall by applying at the Auditor's Office in Memorial Hall. The Office will be open from 9 to 1 every day, including Sunday. Students who have a $400 bond on file at the Bursar's Office may have their board charged on their January and June term bills; otherwise a deposit must be maintained in advance at the office.
Club tables will be assigned the latter part of this week to all groups of members wishing to eat together, the management reserving the right to fix the maximum and minimum registration. Each club table will choose one of its members to act for it in dealing with the management.
The present registration at, Memorial exceeds that of last year at this time, and the waiting list which continued throughout 1913-14, will probably be necessary again. The hours for meals at Memorial Hall will be:
Foxcroft Hall.
Foxcroft Hall, with a membership limit of 400, will provide board at cost and the service will be a la carte. In this way good average board may be obtained for as low as $3.50 a week. The Hall will be open during the following hours:
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Freshman Reception in Union at 8