
Crimson Calendar

*Open to University. **Open to Public.

All notice for the weekly CRIMSON Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the CRIMSON Office on Friday before 5 o'clock, marked "For the CRIMSON Calendar."

Sunday, September 27.

11.00--**Morning service in Appleton Chapel by the Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D.D., Bishop of Massachusetts.

Monday, September 28.


Academic year begins in all departments of the University.

Payment of the first instalment of the tuition fee is required of all students in the University on or before this date.

3.15.--Annual meeting of Board of Overseers in University 5.

Tuesday, September 29.

10.00.--Opening meeting of Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary.

8.00.--Reception for new students in the Union.

Thursday, October 1.

4.30.--Meeting of Faculty of Divinity in Divinity Library.

8.00.--Reception to second crew in Living Room of Union.

Friday, October 2.

5.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Medicine at the Medical School, Boston.

8.00.--Annual reception to students in Graduate Schools of Arts and Sciences, Applied Science, and Business Administration in Living Room of Union.

Saturday, October 3.

3.00.--Football. Harvard vs. Springfield Training School on Soldiers Field.

8.00.--Annual reception to students in the Graduate School of Business Administration in Trophy Room of Union.
