Regular dining service in the Union opens at noon today. The restaurant will be under the same management as last year, and the hours and rates for meals will be the same as in 1913-14.
Commencing tomorrow morning an a la carte breakfast will be served from 7.30 to 12. Beginning today the hours for luncheon will be 12 to 2 and the price for single meals will be 50 cents. Dinners will be served from 6 to 8 for 75 cents, except on Saturdays during the football season, when the hours will be from 5 to 8. Regular board at the rate of $7.50 a week will start immediately. The ladies' dining room in the Union will open Saturday.
For two weeks the Union will be open to all members of the University. During this period new students especially are invited to inspect the Union since at the end of two weeks the building will be closed to all who have not paid the ten dollars membership fee.
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