The complete list of final and make-up examinations for today and Monday follows. Unless otherwise stated all examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock.
Regulations: "No student is permitted to take any books or papers into the examination room except by express direction of the instructor. No communication is permitted between students in the examination room on any subject whatever.
"A student who is not in the examination room within five minutes after the hour appointed for the examination shall not be admitted without permission of the instructor or of the officer in general charge of the examinations." Examinations Today Engineering 12k, Pierce 209 Fine Arts 1a, Fogg Lect. Room French 5, Harvard 6 Government 19, Harvard 6 History 22, Harvard 6 History 48, Harvard 6 Latin 3 hf., Harvard 6 Music 1, Holden Philosophy 15, Emerson J Philosophy 24a, Emerson J Psychology 11, Emerson J Social Ethics 2, Emerson J Graduate School of Applied Science, Engineering 12K, Pierce 209 Engineering E 17P, Pierce 209 Engineering C 19a, Pierce 209 Make-up Mid-Year Examinations Today. HARVARD 6. French 16. German 2c. Gvernment 14. Mathematics A. Examinations Tomorrow. Astronomy 3, Astron. Lab. Botany 5, Holden Chemistry 5, Sever 11 Chemistry 25, Holden Economics 2b: Akerman to Hickey (inclusive), Harvard 5 Holbrook to Wright (inclusive), Harvard 6 Engineering 2L, Pierce 307 Engin. Sciences 5, Pierce 302 English 39, Fogg. Lect.-rm. English 59, Robinson 1 fl. German 1c: Aiton to Levy (inclusive), Sever 5 Loomis to Wright (inclusive), Sever 6 German 4, Sever 24
Government 1:Mr. Cottrell's sectionsC2, C3, C4, K3:Ames to Guild, Pierce 202Harte to Woodruff, Pierce 209Mr. Haussermann's sectionsC1, H2, H3, M1, New Lect. HallMr. McLain's sectionsG1, H4, K1, P2, Emerson JMr. McLeod's sectionsH1, M2, Sever 36M3, M4, Sever 35Prof. Munro's section A, Sever 35Mr. Manahan's sections G2, G3, G4, K4, New Lecture HallMr. Perkins's sectionsK2, Sever 23P1, P3, P4:Andrews to Hicks, Sever 17Higgins to Young, Sever 18Greek 8, Sever 36History 14:Atkins to Lafferty (inclusive), Sever 29McDuffle to Woods inclusive), Sever 30History 40:Armstrong to Sherwood (inclusive), Sever 2Talbot to Wright (inclusive), Sever 6Italian 3, HoldenMathematics 9, HoldenMathematics 34, HoldenMusic 1a, HoldenPhilosophy 2, Emerson DPhilosophy 21, Emerson DPhysiology 1, Zool. Lect.-rm.Zoology 3, Zool. Lect.-rm.Make-up Mid-Year Examinations Tomorrow.HOLDEN.History 1. History 16a.Graduate School of Applied Science.Engineering 2L, Pierce 30