
To Play for College Championship

The match for the college tennis championship in doubles will be held on Jarvis Field this afternoon at 3 o'clock. J. E. Gale '17 and R. Z. Crane '17 who won the tournament for doubles recently will meet E. H. Whitney '14 and J. J. Armstrong '14 of the University team to decide the championship of the College.

Insignia for Freshman Tennis.

Upon recommendation by the Student Council, the Athletic Committee has voted that insignia be awarded to those members of the Freshman tennis team who played in three out of four matches of the spring schedule. The insignia will be uniform in color with the University tennis insignia, and will consist of "1917 T. T." in red, bordered with black on a white sweater. The following Freshmen will receive the insignia this year: Captain John Stacy Brown, Jr., of Newport, R. I.; Richard Zeigler Crane, of Quincy; John Elbridge Gale, Jr., of Haverhill; Hewitt Morgan, of New York, N. Y.; and William Rand 3d, of Rye, N. Y.
