

Observation Trains Will Follow Crews in Their Historic Struggle.

The New York, New Haven, and Hartford Railroad has made the following arrangements for special trains to New London, and observation trains from which to view the race:

A special train will leave the South Station next Friday, at 11.50 A. M., Back Bay at 11.55 A. M., stopping at Providence at 12.56 noon, and arriving in New London at 2.25 P. M. in ample time for the 4.30 o'clock contest. Special excursion tickets for this train at $3.50 from Boston and $2.25 from Providence may be purchased in advance at City ticket Office, corner of Washington and Court streets, Boston; of Leavitt & Pierce, agents, Harvard square, Cambridge; at Back Bay Station; at South Station, Boston; and at Union Station, Providence. No tickets for the special train will be sold on the day of the excursion if the limit is reached before that time.

Returning, the special train, stopping at Providence, Back Bay, and Boston only, will leave New London as soon as possible (about twenty minutes) after return of the observation train from the University race. Should the race be postponed to another date, the special train will leave New London on return trip as soon as possible after official notice of postponement.

Tickets for the observation train following the second University eight-oared race and the Freshman race to be rowed immediately afterward may be secured at the City Ticket Office of the N. Y., N. H., & H. R. R., at the South Station. Tickets for the observation train following the University race have already been sold by application to the H. A. A. The trains will leave New London in the morning at 10.15 o'clock, and in the afternoon at 4.30 o'clock, respectively, and will follow along the east bank of the river affording passengers an unobstructed view of the contest from start to finish.

Arrangements of Harvard Club.


The Boston Harvard Club has arranged to run a special train for the use of members and their guests. The train will leave the South Station Friday at 7.31 A. M., Back Bay at 7.36, and will reach New London in time for the University second crew race. The Freshman race follows immediately after.

After the races luncheon will be served on the steamer "Chester W. Chapin" which has been engaged for the exclusive use of members and their guests. The steamer will sail up the sound while luncheon is served. The club train will leave New London immediately after the race, a box supper being served en route.

Reports of Ball Game and Race.

Through the courtesy of the "Boston Globe" arrangements have been made for news service at the Harvard Club this afternoon from the Yale game at New Haven, and also on the afternoon of the race, whereby members can be in immediate communication with the progress of these events.
