

English A Men No Longer Exempted at Mid-Years.--Three New Degrees With Distinction.

The Faculty of Arts and Sciences has announced two important changes in the curriculum for next year. A new course on Pope, English 64, will be given by Mr. W. R. Castle, Jr. The practice of exempting students from the second half of English A has been discontinued.

In addition three new degrees with distinction have been announced. The first of these is a degree in Classics and Philosophy, requiring eight courses, of which five are to be in the Department of the Classics (both Greek and Latin) and three in the Department of Philosophy, and a thesis on a subject connecting ancient and modern philosophical thought. A special examination of some character will also be required.

The second is in Philosophy and Classics requiring five philosophical and three classical courses, at least one of which must be in Greek, a thesis, and a special examination of some sort.

The third is in Classics and Economics requiring five courses in the Department of the Classics (both Greek and Latin) and three in the Department of Economics, a thesis connecting ancient and modern theory or history, and a special examination.


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