

Union Eight Composed of Former Harvard Oarsmen Sails Tuesday.

The Union Boat Club crew, composed of Harvard graduates, will sail next Tuesday at 4 o'clock on the Caronia to take part in the Henley regatta, England, July 4-6. The race will be over the regular Henley distance of one mile 550 yards and will be rowed in heats. In addition to the eight-oared race, J. B. Ayer '03 and W. T. Gardiner '14 will compete in the singles event for the Diamond Sculls. If the eight is eliminated in the early rounds, P. Withington '09 will also compete in this event.

Three former Harvard captains hold down seats in the Union Boat Club crew, these men being R. Cutler '11 at stroke, J. E. Waid '10, number 5, and C. T. Abeles '12, coxswain. All of the men have had several years' experience on the University crew and are accustomed to rowing together. The order of the crew is: R. Cutler '11, stroke; P. Withington '09, 7; L. Withington '11, 6; J. E. Waid '10, 5; S. A. Sargent '10, 4; R. M. Tappan '07, 3; E. Farley '07, or L. K. Lunt '09, 2; G. H. Balch '12, bow; C. T. Abeles '13, coxswain. The statistics of the men follow:

R. Cutler '11, stroke, is 24 years old, 6 feet 2 1-2 inches tall, and weighs 174 pounds.

P. Withington '09, No. 7, is 26 years old, 6 feet 2 inches tall, and weighs 186 pounds.

L. Withington '11, No. 6, is 24 years old, 6 feet tall, and weighs 186 pounds.


J. E. Waid '10, No. 5, is 25 years old, 6 feet 2 inches tall, and weighs 183 pounds.

S. A. Sargent '10, No. 4, is 26 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighs 156 pounds.

R. M. Tappan '07, No. 3, is 26 years old, 6 feet tall, and weighs 174 pounds.

Eliot Farley '07, No. 2, is 27 years old, 5 feet 11 inches tall, and weighs 158 pounds.

L. K. Lunt '09, No. 2, is 27 years old, 5 feet 10 inches tall, and weighs 174 pounds.

G. H. Balch '12, bow, is 24 years old, 5 feet 11 1-2 inches tall, and weighs 168 pounds.

C. T. Abeles '12, coxswain, is 22 years old 5 feet 6 inches tall, and weighs 112 pounds.

J. B. Ayer '03 (singles event), is 31 years old, 6 feet 1 inch tall, and weighs 178 pounds.

W. T. Gardiner '14 (singles event), is 21 years old, 5 feet 11 inches tall, and weighs 175 pounds.
